fiel's first birthday

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

It’s rare these days that you meet a couple having kids in row. Most of them, would have one and take time on another one.

Around the time my sister learned she’s carrying her second child, she got used on answering she’s not getting any younger. Months later, there was Sofielle Helene G. Reńosa.

A year later, friends and relatives gathered in Max’s restaurant to celebrate her first birthday. Well, a kid's party around dinner time. I no longer have the task to cover the event. His father, kuya Rowell was then, up and coming (may ganung description) photographer. My task was to pick my son, elmo from and later bring him back to Angeles City.

There are few things I remembered about it:
  that, (hate to mention brands but) Jollibee and Mc Do were under construction at that time so fiel mom 'n  dad settled with Max's.
  that, fiel's cousins were very participative in constests - elmo even had few seconds in pahabaan game,  kuya gelo was very game, kuya JV showed off his dancing prowess.
  that, most of the young guests could not get enough of the crown-hat-party favor that they still wore it days after the birthday party.   

Looking back, we would always remember it along with sad and unfortunate events. For once, she deserved a happy celebration. This first Birthday and being together as family (even for one last time) are enough reasons to look back with happy thoughts.

Happy birthday Sofielle Helene G. Reńosa!